Tim Hewison's publication list |
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Roger W. Saunders, Thomas A. Blackmore, Brett Candy, Peter N. Francis, Tim J. Hewison, Ten Years of Satellite Infrared Radiance Monitoring With the Met Office NWP Model, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3015257.
Tim J. Hewison, David R. Doelling, Constantine Lukashin, David Tobin, Viju O. John, Sauli Joro and Bojan Bojkov, Extending the Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) to Tie Satellite Radiances to an Absolute Scale, Remote Sens. 2020, 12(11), 1782; doi:10.3390/rs12111782.
Tasuku Tabata, Viju O. John, Rob A. Roebeling, Tim Hewison, Jörg Schulz, Correction: Recalibration of over 35 Years of Infrared and Water Vapor Channel Radiances of the JMA Geostationary Satellites, Remote Sens. 2020, 12(5), 861; doi:10.3390/rs12050861.
Tasuku Tabata, Viju O. John, Rob A. Roebeling, Tim Hewison, Jörg Schulz, Recalibration of over 35 Years of Infrared and Water Vapor Channel Radiances of the JMA Geostationary Satellites, Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 1189; doi:10.3390/rs11101189.
Viju O. John, Tasuku Tabata, Frank Rüthrich, Rob A. Roebeling, Tim Hewison, Reto Stöckli, Jörg Schulz, On the Methods for Recalibrating Geostationary
Longwave Channels Using Polar Orbiting Infrared Sounders, Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 1171; doi:10.3390/rs11101171.
Igor Tomazic, Anne O'Carroll, Tim Hewison, Jörg Ackerman, Craig Donlon, Jens Nieke, Bouwe Andela, Dorothee Coppens, Dave Smith, Initial comparison between Sentinel-3A SLSTR and IASI aboard MetOp-A and MetOp-B,
Generation SEVIRI Instruments, GSICS Quarterly Newsletter, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2016, doi:10.7289/V5PC30DM.
F. Rüthrich, V. John, R. Roebeling, S. Wagner, B. Viticchie, T. Hewison, Y. Govaerts, R. Quast, R. Giering, J. Schulz, A Fundamental Climate Data Record that accounts for Meteosat First Generation Visible Band Spectral Response, EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Darmstadt, Germany, Sept 2016, (Available online).
Paolo Pili, Lee Matheson, Claudia Tranquilli, Johannes Müller, Tim Hewison, Stefane Carlier, Stephane Bianchi, Pierre Coste,The In-orbit Performance of the Meteosat Second
Generation SEVIRI Instruments, EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Darmstadt, Germany, Sept 2016, (Available online).
Claudia Tranquilli, Bartolomeo Viticchiè, Tim Hewison, Johannes Müller, Sebastien Wagner, Meteosat SEVIRI Performance Characterisation and Calibration with Dedicated Moon/Sun/Deep-space Scans, 14th International Conference on Space Operations, Daejon, Korea, doi:10.2514/6.2016-2536.
Tim Hewison, Prime GSICS Corrections, using double-differences of IASI-A and -B against the IR channels of Meteosat/SEVIRI, Poster presented at IASI Conference, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, 11 April 2016.
S.C.Wagner and T.Hewison, T.Stone, S.Lacherade, B.Fougnie, X.Xiong, 2015: A summary of the joint GSICS – CEOS/IVOS lunar calibration workshop: moving towards intercalibration using the Moon as a transfer target, Proc. SPIE 9639, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XIX, 96390Z (October 12, 2015); doi:10.1117/12.2193161.
Sébastien Wagner and Tim Hewison, 2014: Monitoring the Meteosat-9 visible channels using the GSICS Deep Convective Cloud method, GSICS Quarterly Newsletter, Vol.8, No.3, Fall 2014.
Ross I. Maidment, David Grimes, Richard P. Allan, Elena Tarnavsky, Marc Stringer, Tim Hewison, Rob Roebeling, Emily Black, 2014: The 30-year TAMSAT African Rainfall Climatology And Time-series (TARCAT) Dataset, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, Volume 119, Issue 18, pages 10,619-10,644, 27 September 2014, DOI:10.1002/2014JD021927.
Bartolomeo Viticchié, Sébastien Wagner, Tim Hewison, and Tom Stone, 2013: Lunar Calibration of MSG/SEVIRI Solar Bands, GSICS Quarterly Newsletter, Vol.7, No.3, Fall 2013. (Available Online).
Sophie Lachérade, Bartolomeo Viticchié, Tom Stone, Laurent Lebègue, Sebastien Wagner, and Tim Hewison, 2013: On the Phase-Angle Dependence of the Moon Calibration Results, GSICS Quarterly Newsletter, Vol.7, No.3, Fall 2013. (Available Online).
Bartolomeo Viticchiè, Sébastien Wagner, Tim J. Hewison, Thomas C. Stone, Jagjeet Nain, Rebeca Gutierrez, Johannes Müller, and Christopher Hanson, 2013: Lunar Calibration of MSG/SEVIRI Solar Channels, Proceedings of EUMETSAT/AMS Satellite Conference, Vienna, 16-20 September 2013. (Available Online).
Tim J. Hewison, Johannes Müller, Rebeca Gutiérrez-López, 2013: On Thin Ice? Contamination Effects on Meteosat/SEVIRI Calibration, Proceedings of EUMETSAT/AMS Satellite Conference, Vienna, 16-20 September 2013. (Available Online).
Hewison, T. J., X. Wu, F. Yu, Y. Tahara, X. Hu, D. Kim and M. Koenig, 2013: GSICS Inter-Calibration of Infrared Channels of Geostationary Imagers using Metop/IASI, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 51, no. 3, Mar. 2013, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2013.2238544.
Hewison, T. J., 2013: An Evaluation of the Uncertainty of the GSICS SEVIRI-IASI Inter-Calibration Products", IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 51, no. 3, Mar. 2013, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2012.2236330.
Hewison, T. and J. Mueller, 2013: Ice Contamination of Meteosat/SEVIRI Implied By Inter-Calibration Against Metop/IASI, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 51, no. 3, Mar. 2013, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2012.2236335.
Chander, G., T. Hewison, N. Fox, X. Wu, X. Xiong, W. Blackwell, 2013: Review of Inter-Calibration of Satellite Instruments, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 51, no. 3, Mar. 2013, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2012.2228654.
R.W. Saunders, T. Blackmore, B. Candy, P.N. Francis and T.J. Hewison, 2013: Monitoring satellite radiance biases using NWP models, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 51, no. 3, Mar. 2013, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2012.2229283.
Chander, G., T. Hewison, N. Fox, X. Wu, X. Xiong, W. Blackwell, 2013: Foreword to the Special Issue on Intercalibration of Satellite Instruments, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 51, no. 3, Mar. 2013, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2013.2240331.
T. Hewison and R. Roebeling, 2012:
Using Variograms to Quantify the Radiometric Stability of Meteosat-7/MVIRI and Metop-A/HIRS by Inter-comparison with Metop-A/IASI, GSICS Quarterly, Vol.6, No.4, 2012.
(Available Online).
R. Roebeling, J. Schulz, T. Hewison, B. Theodore, 2012: Inter-calibration of METEOSAT IR and WV channels using HIRS,
Proceedings of International Radiation Symposium 2012, 6-10 Aug 2012, Berlin, Germany. (Available online).
Hewison, T.J., 2012: Temporal and Spatial Variability in Meteosat/SEVIRI Images for The Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS),
Proceedings of IGARSS, 22-27 July 2012, Munich, Germany. (Available online).
Hewison, T.J. and J. Mueller, 2012: Ice Contamination of METEOSAT/SEVIRI IR13.4 Channel Implied by Inter-Calibration Against Metop-A/IASI,
Proceedings of IGARSS, 22-27 July 2012, Munich, Germany. (Available online).
Tim Hewison, 2011:
GSICS SEVIRI-IASI Inter-calibration Uncertainty Evaluation,
Proceedings of 2011 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Oslo, Norway 5 - 9
September 2011, EUMETSAT P.59, ISBN 978-92-9110-093-4, ISSN 1011-3932.
(Available Online).
M. Goldberg, G. Ohring, J. Butler, C. Cao, R. Datla, D. Doelling, V. Gaertner, T. Hewison,
B. Iacovazzi, D. Kim, T. Kurino, J. Lafeuille, P. Minnis, D. Renaut, J.
Schmetz, D. Tobin, L. Wang, F. Weng, X. Wu, F. Yu, P. Zhang and T. Zhu,
The Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS)
Bulletin Am. Meteorol. Soc, doi:10.1175/2010BAMS2967.1.
R. Kessel and T. Hewison, 2010:
Common Reference Channels for Metrological Comparability,
GSICS Quarterly, Vol.4, No.4, 2010.
(Available Online).
T. Hewison and R. Kessel, 2010:
Defining Common Reference Channels for Geostationary Infrared Imagers,
GSICS Quarterly, Vol.4, No.4, 2010.
(Available Online).
X.Wu, T.Hewison and Y.Tahara, 2009:
GSICS GEO-LEO intercalibration: Baseline algorithm and early results,
Proceedings of SPIE Optics and Photonics, Paper 7456-3, San Diego, 5 Aug 2009.
T.J.Hewison, 2009:
Quantifying the Impact of Scene Variability on Inter-Calibration,
GSICS Quarterly, Vol.3, No.2, 2009.
(Available online).
A.Russell, G.Vaughan, E.G.Norton, H.M.A.Ricketts, C.J.Morcrette, T.J.Hewison, K.A.Browning and A.M.Blyth,
Convection forced by a descending dry layer and low-level moist convergence,
Tellus A, 61, 250-263,
and M.Koenig, 2008: Inter-Calibration of Meteosat Imagers and IASI, 2008
EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Darmstadt, Germany 8 - 12
September 2008, EUMETSAT P. 52, ISBN 978-92-9110-082-8. (Available online.)
X. Wu , T. J. Schmit , R. Galvin , M. M. Gunshor , T. Hewison, M. König , Y. Tahara , D. Blumstein , Y. Li , S. Sohn and M. Goldberg "Investigation of GOES Imager 13.3 µm channel cold bias", Proc. EUMETSAT Conf. Meteorol. Satellite, 2008, ISBN 978-92-9110-082-8.
(Available online).
C. Gaffard, J. Nash, E. Walker/Blades, T. Hewison, J. Jones, and E. Grace Norton, 2008:
High time resolution boundary layer description using combined remote sensing instruments,
Ann. Geophys., 26, 2597-2612, 2008.
T. J. Hewison, 2008:
MetOp-A IASI and HIRS Inter-Comparisons At Eumetsat,
GSICS Quarterly, Vol.2, No.3, 2008.
(Available online).
T. J. Hewison, 2008:
SEVIRI/IASI Differences in 2007,
GSICS Quarterly, Vol.2, No.1, 2008.
(Available online).
T. J. Hewison, 2007:
1D-VAR Retrieval of Temperature and Humidity Profiles from a Ground-based Microwave Radiometer,
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, Vol. 45, No. 7, pp. 2163-2168, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2007.898091.
Tim J. Hewison, Catherine Gaffard, Tim Oakley and John Nash, 2007:
Ground-Based Integrated Profiling Stations for Temperature, Humidity and Cloud,
Proceedings of IGARSS'07, Barcelona, 23-27 July 2007.
K.A.Browning, A.M.Blyth, P.A.Clark, U.Corsmeier, C.J.Morcrette, J.L.Agnew, S.P.Ballard,
D.Bamber, C.Barthlott, L.J.Bennett, K.M.Beswick, M.Bitter, K.E.Bozier, B.J.Brooks, C.G.Collier,
F.Davies, B.Deny, M.A.Dixon, T.Feuerle, R.M.Forbes, C.Gaffard, M.D.Gray, R.Hankers,
T.J.Hewison, N.Kalthoff, S.Khodayar, M.Kohler, C.Kottmeier, S.Kraut, M.Kunz, D.N.Ladd,
H.W.Lean, J.Lenfant, Z.Li, J.Marsham, J.McGregor, S.D.Mobbs, J.Nicol, E.Norton,
D.J.Parker, F.Perry, M.Ramatschi, H.M.A.Ricketts, N.M.Roberts, A.Russell, H.Schulz, E.C.Slack,
G.Vaughan, J.Waight, R.J.Watson, A.R.Webb, D.P.Wareing, A.Wieser, 2007:
The Convective Storm Initiation Project,
Bulletin Am. Meteorol. Soc, Vol.88, No.12, 2007, pp.1939-1955
Catherine Gaffard, Emma Walker, Tim J. Hewison, John Nash, Jonathan Jones and Emily G. Norton, 2007:
High time resolution boundary layer description using combined remote sensing instruments,
Proceedings of 11th International Workshop on technical and scientific Aspects of MST Radar (MST11)
Gadanki/Tirupati, India, December 11 - 15, 2006.
(Available online).
Tim J. Hewison, 2006:
Profiling Temperature and Humidity by Ground-based Microwave Radiometers,
PhD Thesis, University of Reading.
(Available online.)
Tim J. Hewison
and C.Gaffard, 2006:
Combining Data from Ground-based Microwave Radiometers and Other
Instruments in Temperature and Humidity Profile Retrievals,
WMO Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental
Instruments and Methods of Observation, (TECO-2006), Geneva,
Switzerland, 4-6 Dec 2006, (Available online).
Tim J. Hewison, 2006:
1D-VAR in COST720 Final Report, Eds: D.Englebart, J.Nash and W.Monna, European Science Foundation.
Tim J. Hewison, 2006:
Aircraft Validation of Clear Air Absorption Models at Millimeter Wavelengths (89-183 GHz),
J. Geophys. Res., 111, D14303,
T.J.Hewison and C.Gaffard, 2006:
Report on Met Office Participation in Convective Storm Initiation Project (CSIP) at Linkenholt
Obs. Dev. Technical Report, Met Office, UK.
(Available Online)
Tim J. Hewison and Catherine Gaffard, 2006:
1D-VAR Retrieval of Temperature and Humidity Profiles From Ground-Based Microwave Radiometers,
Proceedings of COST720 Final Symposium, MeteoFrance, Toulouse, May 2006.
(Available Online)
J.Nash, C.Gaffard, T.Hewison, E.Norton, J.Agnew, E.Walker, J.Jones, M.Smees, M.Ramatschi, G.Dick, 2006:
Humidity Evaluation using GPS, Radiometer, Wind Profiler and UV Lidar During CSIP Associated with Thunderstorms,
Proceedings of COST720 Final Symposium, MeteoFrance, Toulouse, May 2006.
(Available Online)
T. J. Hewison and C. Gaffard, 2006:
1D-VAR Retrieval of Temperature and Humidity Profiles from Ground-based Microwave Radiometers,
Proceedings of MicroRad'06, Puerto Rico, 28/2/06 - 3/3/06, pp.235-240.
(Available Online)
Philip Rosenkranz, Stefan Buehler, Dietrich Feist, Tim Hewison, Nicole Jacquinet-Husson, Juan Pardo and Roger Saunders, 2006:
Emission and spectroscopy of the clear atmosphere
Thermal Microwave Radiation - Applications for Remote Sensing,
C. Maetzler, P.W. Rosenkranz, A. Battaglia and J.P. Wigneron (eds.)
IEE Electromagnetic Waves Series, London, UK, ISBN:978-0863415739.
D.Cimini, T.J.Hewison, L.Martin, 2006:
Comparison of brightness temperatures observed from ground-based microwave radiometers during TUC,
Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Vol.15, No.1, pp.19-25,
T.J.Hewison, D.Cimini, L.Martin, C.Gaffard, J.Nash, 2006:
Validating clear air absorption model using ground-based microwave radiometers and vice-versa,
Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Vol.15, No.1, pp.27-36,
D.Cimini, T.J.Hewison, L.Martin, J.Gueldner, C.Gaffard, F.Marzano, 2006:
Temperature and humidity profile retrievals from ground-based microwave radiometers during TUC,
Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Vol.15, No.1, pp.45-56,
Lorenz Martin, Christian Maetzler, Tim J.Hewison, Dominique Ruffieux, 2006:
Intercomparison of integrated water vapour measurements during the TUC campaign,
Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Vol.15, No.1, pp.57-64,
Vladislav Klaus, Laura Bianco, Catherine Gaffard and Tim J.Hewison, 2006:
Combining Radar wind profiler and microwave radiometer for the estimation of atmospheric humidity profiles
Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Vol.15, No.1, pp.87-97,
Richard Smout, John Nash, Tim Hewison
and Mark Smees, 2005:
Results of the RS92 Acceptance Test performed by the Met Office (UK)
WMO Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental
Instrumentsand Methods of Observation, (TECO-2005), Bucharest, Romania,
4-7 May 2005
(Available Online)
P.Jeannet, D.Ruffieux, R.Nater, H.Berger, G.Levrat, T.Hewison, 2004:
Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitsprofile: Vergleich von Radiosonden und Bodengestuetzten Fernerkundungsystem,
Proceedings of DACH 2004, Meteorologentagung, 7. bis 10. September 2004, Karlsruhe, Deutschland (in German).
(Available Online)
A.K.Vance, J.P.Taylor, T.J.Hewison and J.Elms, 2004:
Comparison of in-situ Humidity Data from Aircraft, Dropsonde and Radiosonde,
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 2004 21: 921-932,
Judith Agnew and Tim Hewison, 2004:
Comparison of water vapour profiles measured using a raman lidar and a microwave radiometer at Chilbolton Observatory, UK
Proceedings of 22nd ILRC (International Laser Radar Conference), July 12-16 2004, Matera,
(Available Online)
Tim Hewison,
Catherine Gaffard, John Nash, Dominique Ruffieux, Reto Nater, Heinz
Berger, Marjorie Perroud and Beatriz Andrade, 2004:
Monitoring Inversions From Ground-Based Remote Sensing Instruments
During Temperature, Humidity, And Cloud Profiling Campaign (TUC)
Proceedings of microRad, Rome, 24-27 Febraury 2004. (Available Online)
D.Ruffieux, T.J.Hewison, C.Gaffard, R.Nater, B.Andrade, M.Perroud, H.Berger and P.Overney,
The COST720 Temperature, Humidity and Cloud Campaign: TUC,
Proceedings of microRad, Rome, 24-27 Febraury 2004.
(Available Online)
Li, Z., J.-P.Muller, P.Cross, P.Albert, T.Hewison
, R.Watson, J.Fischer, and R.Bennartz, Validation of MERIS Near IR
water vapour retrievals using MWR and GPS measurements, Proceeding of
MERIS user workshop, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 10-13 Nov 2003
(Available Online)
T.J.Hewison, 2003:
Microwave Radiometer Comparison at Cardington, Spring 2003,
Met Office, Observations/Development, Technical Report TR30, Available from National Meteorological Library, UK.
(Available Online)
N.A.Selbach and T.J.Hewison, 2003:
Emissivity of sea ice at 89GHz, 157GHz and 183GHz in the arctic winter,
Unpublished draft. (Available Online)
Selbach,N., T.J.Hewison,
G.Heygster, J.Miao, A.J.McGrath, and J.P.Taylor, 2003: Validation of
total water vapor retrieval with an airborne millimeter wave radiometer
over Arctic sea ice, Radio Sci., 38(4), 8061, doi:10.1029/2002RS002669.
J.P.Taylor, S.M.Newman, T.J.Hewison and A.J.McGrath,
Water vapour line and continuum absorption in the thermal infrared - reconciling models and observations,
Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorol. Society, Vol.129, No.594, Oct 2003, pp.2949-2969,
T.J.Hewison, C.Gaffard and J.Nash, 2003:
Validation of Microwave Radiometer Measurements in Clear Air,
ISTP conference, 14-20 Sept 2003, Leipzig, Germany, pp.136-138.
(Available as Extended Abstract and
C.Gaffard, T.J.Hewison and J.Nash, 2003:
Toward the Combination of Active and Passive Remote Sensors for Temperature and Humidty Profiling
Abstract submitted to ISTP2003 conference, Leipzig, Germany.
(Available Online)
T.J.Hewison and C.Gaffard, 2003:
Radiometrics MP3000 Microwave Radiometer Performance Assessment,
Met Office, Observations/Development, Technical Report TR29, Available from National Meteorological Library, UK.
(Available Online)
C.Gaffard and T.J.Hewison, 2003:
Radiometrics MP3000 Microwave Radiometer Trial Report,
Met Office, Observations/Development, Technical Report TR26, Available from National Meteorological Library, UK.
(Available Online)
Catherine Gaffard , Tim Hewison, John Nash, 2003:
Toward a Multisensor Ground Based Remote Sensing Station,
MST10 Workshop, Piura, Peru, 13-20 May 2003.
(Available Online)
W.J.Ellison, S.J.English , K.Lamkaouchi, A.Balana, E.Obligis G.Deblonde, T.J.Hewison,
P.Bauer, G.Kelly and L.Eymard, 2003: A comparison of new permittivity
data for sea water with AMSU, SSM/I, TRMM Microwave Imager and airborne
radiometers observations,
J. Geophys. Res., 108 (D21), 4663, doi:10.1029/2002JD003213.
T.J.Hewison and D.F.Pollard 2002:
Calibrating MARSS By The Tip Curve Method,
MRF Technical Note No. 42, October 2002.
(Available Online)
T.J.Hewison, N.Selbach, G.Heygster, J.P.Taylor and A.J.McGrath, 2002:
"Airborne Measurements of Arctic Sea Ice, Glacier and Snow Emissivity at 24-183 GHz,"
Proceedings of IGARSS 2002.
(Available Online)
R.Bennartz, K.Paape, J.Fischer, T.J.Hewison 2002:
Comparison of observed and simulated microwave land surface emissivities over bare soil,
Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Vol.11, No.1, pp.5-12,
Tim Hewison 2002:
Analysis of emissivity data from POLEX:
Initial results and Development of FASTEM for Arctic Surfaces,
MRF Technical Note 35, January 2002.
(Available Online)
A.J.McGrath and T.J.Hewison 2001:
Measuring the accuracy of a Microwave Airborne Radiometer (MARSS),
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Vol.18, No.12, 2001, pp.2003-2012.
Nathalie Selbach, Tim Hewison,
Georg Heygster, Jungang Miao, Andrew McGrath, Jonathan Taylor 2001:
Validation of retrieved integrated water vapour with an airborne
millimeter-wave airborne radiometer over Arctic sea ice, Poster
presented at Specialist Meeting on Microwave Remote Sensing, 5-9
November 2001, Boulder, Colorado, USA (Available Online)
Jonathan P. Taylor, Stuart Newman, Tim Hewison and Andrew McGrath,
"Water vapour studies in support of AMSU and IASI"
MRF Technical Note 37, 2001.
(Available Online)
G.Deblonde and T.J.Hewison 2001:
Comparison of Computed Brightness Temperature with Aircraft Observations for the MOTH-Arctic Campaign
Unpublished Meteorological Service of Canada Internal Report
(Available Online)
T.J.Hewison 2001: Airborne Measurements of Forest and Agricultural Land Surface
Emissivity at Millimetre Wavelengths,
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, Vol.39, No.2, 2001, pp.393-400,
T.J.Hewison and A.J.McGrath 2001:
Performance assessment of Liquid Nitrogen Calibration Target supplied by Fred Solheim (Radiometrics) at 89, 157 and 183 GHz,
MRF Technical Note 39, 2001.
(Available Online)
J.C.Morland, D.I.F.Grimes and T.J.Hewison 2001:
Satellite Observations of the Microwave Emissivity of a semi-arid Land Surface.
Remote Sensing Environment, Vol.77, No.2, pp.149-164,
A.K.Vance, J.P.Taylor, T.J.Hewison, 2001:
The Measurement of Water Vapour in the Tropical and Arctic Atmosphere,
IRS2000: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation, A. Deepak Publishing, Hampton, Virginia, 23666-1393, ISBN 0-937-194-43-3.
(Available Online)
J.P.Taylor, T.J.Hewison,
A.McGrath, A.Vance, Measurements and Modelling of Water Vapour
Spectroscopy in Tropical and Sub-Arctic Atmospheres, IRS2000: Current
Problems in Atmospheric Radiation, A. Deepak Publishing, Hampton,
Virginia, 23666-1393, 2001, ISBN 0-937-194-43-3. (Available Online)
A.J.McGrath and T.J.Hewison 2000: Radiometric Characterisation of the UK Met. Office
Microwave Airborne Radiometer Scanning System (MARSS),
Proc IGARSS2000 Proceedings, Honolulu, 24-28 July 2000.
(Available Online)
J.C.Morland, D.I.F.Grimes, G.Dugdale and T.J.Hewison 2000:
The Estimation of Land Surface Emissivities at 24 to 157GHz Using Remotely Sensed Aircraft Data,
Remote Sens. Environ., Vol.73, pp.323-336,
T.J.Hewison 1999: Microwave Surface Emissivity Over Snow And Ice.
ECMWF Radiative Transfer Modelling Workshop, Nov 1999.
(Available Online)
T.J.Hewison and S.J.English 1999:
Airborne Retrievals of Snow and Ice Surface Emissivity at Millimetre Wavelengths.
IEEE Trans. Geosci.Remote Sensing, Vol.37, No.4, 1999, pp.1871-1879,
T.J.Hewison 1999:
"Land surface emissivity at millimetre wavelengths,"
MSc Dissertation, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, UK.
(Available Online)
"Survey of Microwave Radiometers for COST712,"
N. Kämpfer (ed.) "Part 1: Measurement facilities and techniques in the
millimeter and submillimeter range", COST Action 712 "Application of
microwave radiometry to atmospheric research and monitoring",
Meteorology, Report on Project 4 Workshop, European Commission, pp
T.J.Hewison 1999:
Fast Models for Land Surface Emissivity
C. Mäzler (ed.) "Radiative transfer models for microwave radiometry", COST
Action 712 "Application of microwave radiometry to atmospheric research and
monitoring", Meteorology, Final Report of Project 1, European Commission,
Directorate General for Research, EUR 19543, ISBN 92-828-9842-3 (2000).
(Available Online.)
S.J.English and T.J.Hewison 1999:
A fast ocean emissivity model,
C. Mätzler (ed.) "Radiative transfer models for microwave radiometry", COST
Action 712 "Application of microwave radiometry to atmospheric research and
monitoring", Meteorology, Final Report of Project 1, European Commission,
Directorate General for Research, EUR 19543, ISBN 92-828-9842-3 (2000).
(Available Online)
T.J.Hewison 1999:
Fitting the fast emissivity model to observations
C. Mätzler (ed.) "Radiative transfer models for microwave radiometry", COST
Action 712 "Application of microwave radiometry to atmospheric research and
monitoring", Meteorology, Final Report of Project 1, European Commission,
Directorate General for Research, EUR 19543, ISBN 92-828-9842-3 (2000).
(Available Online)
T.J.Hewison 1998: Airborne Measurements of Forest and Agricultural Land Surface
Emissivity at Millimetre Wavelengths. Proc. IGARSS'98, Seattle, 6-10 July 1998.
(Available Online)
S.J.English and T.J.Hewison 1998:
Fast generic millimeter-wave emissivity model (FASTEM),
Proc. SPIE 3503, 288 (1998) (Available Online.)
K.Foster and T.J.Hewison 1998:
The Absolute Calibration Accuracy of Total Power Millimetre-Wave Airborne Radiometers.
Proc. IGARSS'98, Seattle, 6-10 July 1998.
(Available Online)
T.J.Hewison 1998:
Airborne Measurements of NOPEX Forest and Agricultural Land Surface Microwave Emissivity.
Met Office (RS) Branch Memorandum 21, Available from Met O(RS) Y70 DERA, Farnborough,
Hants, GU14 0LX, UK, 1998.
T.J.Hewison and S.J.English 1997:
Analysis of a Microwave Airborne Campaign over Snow and Ice (MACSI).
Proc. EMAC94/95 Final Results workshop WPP-136, ESTEC, 1997
J.Morland, D.Grimes, G.Dugdale and T.Hewison 1997:
The effect of the land surface on microwave rainfall estimates.
Proc. 23rd Annual conference of the Remote Sensing Society,
University of Reading, 2-4 Sept 1997.
J.Morland, D.Grimes, G.Dugdale and T.Hewison 1997:
The effect of the land surface on microwave rainfall estimates.
Meteorological Satellite Users Conference, 29 Sept - 3 Oct 1997,
Brussels, Belgium (Poster)
S.J.English, T.J.Hewison, P.J.Rayer, D.C.Jones, C.Prigent, C.Guillou, G.Anderson, J.Wang, 1997:
Six years of microwave radiative transfer validation using airborne radiometers.,
Tech. Proc. 9th International TOVS Study Conf., Ed. J.R. Eyre, Published by ECMWF, 131-139.
(Available Online)
S.J.English and T.J.Hewison 1997:
Measurements at 23.8, 50.1, 89.0 and 157.0GHz over the NOPEX test site during September 1995.
Met Office (RS) Branch Memorandum 20, Available from Met O(RS) Y70 DERA, Farnborough,
Hants, GU14 0LX, UK.
K.Foster and T.J.Hewison 1997:
Measurement of microwave emissivities of arid and verdant land types in the Crau-Camargue region of France,
Proc. SPIE 3220, 136 (1997)
(Available Online.)
T.J.Hewison 1997:
Calibration of Deimos during MACSI.
Met Office (RS) Working Paper 86, Available from Met O(RS) Y70 DERA, Farnborough,
Hants, GU14 0LX, UK.
T.J.Hewison 1997:
MACSI Data Summary.
Met Office (RS) Working Paper 99, Available from Met O(RS) Y70 DERA, Farnborough,
Hants, GU14 0LX, UK.
T.J.Hewison and S.J.English 1997:
Results of Microwave Airborne Campaigns over Snow and Ice.
Met Office (RS) Branch Memorandum 19, Available from Met O(RS) Y70 DERA, Farnborough,
Hants, GU14 0LX, UK.
T.J.Hewison, K.Foster and P.J.Rayer 1997:
Ground-based Experiment to Validate Atmospheric Oxygen Transmission Models.
Met Office (RS) Working Paper 111, Available from Met O(RS) Y70 DERA, Farnborough,
Hants, GU14 0LX, UK.
T.J.Hewison 1997:
Angular Variation of microwave emisssivity of Snow and Ice.
Met Office (RS) Working Paper 116, Available from Met O(RS) Y70 DERA, Farnborough,
Hants, GU14 0LX, UK.
T.J.Hewison 1997:
Deimos Design Report.
Met Office (RS) Working Paper 109.
T.J.Hewison and R.Saunders 1996:
Measurements of the AMSU-B Antenna Pattern.
IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.34(2), pp.405-412,
S.J.English and T.J.Hewison 1996:
"Observations of emission and scattering by surfaces in the range 20 to 160 GHz: A comparison
with theory and application to ATOVS processing", Proceedings of PIERS'96, 533.
R.W.Saunders, T.J.Hewison, S.J.Stringer and N.C.Atkinson 1995:
The Radiometric Characterization of AMSU-B.
IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.43, No.4, pp.760-771,
T.Hewison 1995:
The Design of Deimos: A Microwave Radiometer with Channels at 23.8GHz
and 50.3GHz for the UK Met. Research Flight C-130 Aircraft.
Proc. IGARSS'95, pp.2261-3.
(Available Online)
S.J.English, D.C.Jones, T.J.Hewison and R.W.Saunders 1995:
Observations of the emissivity of snow and ice surfaces from SAAMEX
and MACSI airborne campaigns.
Proc. IGARSS'95, pp.1493-1495.
(Available Online)
S.J.English, D.C.Jones, P.J.Rayer, T.J.Hewison, R.W.Saunders, C.Guillou,
C.Prigent, J.Wang and G.Anderson 1995:
Observations of water vapour absorption using airborne microwave radiometers at 89 and 157GHz.
Proc. IGARSS'95, pp.1395-1397.
(Available Online)
T.J.Hewison 1995:
AMSU-B Antenna Test Results.
Specialist meeting on microwave radiometry and remote sensing of the
environment, Rome, February 14--17th, 1994. published in
Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment,
Editor: D.Solomini, 1995. Publishers: VSP, pp519-528.
R.W.Saunders, T.J.Hewison, S.J.Stringer and N.C.Atkinson 1995:
The Radiometric Characterisation of AMSU-B.
Specialist meeting on microwave radiometry and remote sensing of the
environment, Rome, February 14--17th, 1994. published in
Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment,
Editor: D.Solomini, 1995. Publishers: VSP.
R.W.Saunders, T.J.Hewison, N.C.Atkinson and S.J.Stringer 1993:
Radiometric characterization of AMSU-B
Roger W. Saunders, Tim J. Hewison, Nigel C. Atkinson, and S. J. Stringer
Proc. SPIE 1935, 148 (1993). (Available online.)
T.J.Hewison 1993:
Monitoring AMSU-B local oscillators Annexes A-I.
Met O(RSI) Branch Working Paper 35, Dec 1993, Available from Met O(RS) Y70 DERA, Farnborough,
Hants, GU14 0LX, UK.
T.J.Hewison 1993:
AMSU-B antenna test results.
Met O(RSI) Branch Technical Note No.2, Dec 1993, Available from Met O(RS) Y70 DERA, Farnborough,
Hants, GU14 0LX, UK.
T.J.Hewison 1993:
Monitoring AMSU-B Local Oscillators.
Met O(RSI) Branch Technical Note No.1, Available from Met O(RS) Y70 DERA, Farnborough,
Hants, GU14 0LX, UK.
T.J.Hewison 1991:
A Thermal Model of Black Body Targets.
Met Office (RS) Working Paper No.29, Aug 1991, Available from Met O(RS) Y70 DERA, Farnborough,
Hants, GU14 0LX, UK.
T.J.Hewison 1991:
Reflectivity tests of Microwave black Body Targets.
Met O (RSI) Branch Working Paper No.27, Available from Met O(RS) Y70 DERA, Farnborough,
Hants, GU14 0LX, UK.
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